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Abbildung von Karin Ugowski 2016
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The sketches and poems of the controversal German writer and painter Wilhem Busch are part of the German culture and some of his "sketched" short stories have been known by almost everyone and every kid for many decades. Some historians consider him to be the founder and pioneer of the art of comic based on the way he wrote his short poem lines illustrated by his funny pen sketches.

The well-known theater and film actress Karin Ugowski honors his work with a reading of his poems while showing the sketches line by line, on a place of art by itself. A place where the paintings of her husband, the well-known graphic artist and painter Guenter Horn are exhibited on every wall. On a designoid, elemental fairytale-like, nature enclosed country estate with a red-brown farmhouse, on the edge of the woods, in the middle of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Where the atelier of the artist with its inside balcony and clay oven, the double sided red-brown former farmhouse with the glas-roofed gallery, together with the additional country-style summer gallery in the old “derelict barn” frequently transforms into a focal point for guests of concerts, peotry, readings and exhibitions frequently. To this day.

Ticket-Revervation (Sold Out):

  • Tickethotline | Just click to call: 03995223957 (Sold Out)
  • Ticketmailservice | Just click to mail: (Sold Out)
  • Event venue: Old barn converted to art gallery "Galerie das Gehöft"  in Dorfstr. 151, 17153 Grammentin
  • Event date & time: 28.06.2019 at 8:00 pm
Reading, Event
Karin Ugowski